In the upcoming election, we’re working to bring transparency and accountability to the citizens of the Commonwealth.
What is the Virginia Good Governance Scorecard?
Despite progress on other issues, Virginia remains far behind other states when it comes to legislation promoting transparency and accountability to the citizens of the Commonwealth.
Over the last 60 years, public trust in government has fallen dramatically. According to research conducted by the Pew Research Center, in 1959 roughly 70% of Americans believed that the government was run for the benefit of all. Today, two out of 10 Americans do. Most Americans now believe the government is working against their interests, rather than for them.
These attitudes are arguably justified in Virginia. In the 2020 S.W.A.M.P. Index, a national ranking of states undertaken by the Coalition for Integrity, a non-partisan good governance organization, Virginia ranked 46th.
Support for good governance is not a partisan issue. This “Good Governance Scorecard” aims to enable citizens on both sides of the aisle to measure candidates’ commitment to good governance, a fundamental and critical concept which ensures that public institutions conduct public affairs and manage public resources to the benefit of its citizens. As we enter one of the most competitive election cycles in Virginia in over a generation, it will enable voters to make informed choices as to whether candidates running for office in 2023 will represent citizens’ interests and help restore public faith in our governmental systems.
Virginia Good Governance Scorecard Partners

Good Governance is on the ballot in Virginia.
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